About Us

ECCA was established as a not-for-profit association in 2002. Its policies and strategies are dedicated to the implementation of student eID credentials in Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) that supports student mobility and the provision of trusted identification and secure access to services across European countries. Its main strategy focuses on the provision of interoperability, connectivity and mobility between HEIs both within their home country and across Europe.

Our Mission 

Support and advance the needs of our members through the provision of networking opportunities, leadership in research programmes, innovation foundation and stakeholder collaboration in a continuously changing student eID and campus card environment.

Our Vision 

Inspire and advance the position of student identification and authentication through the provision of a European eID, which provides interoperability, connectivity and mobility that will enhance the student experience.

Our Aims

  • To provide a networking platform for members to develop partnerships, exchange information and enable problem solving through research and development of secure identification credentials and campus card transaction technologies.
  • To promote trans-national cooperation between the institutions in order to advance research and development of standards to achieve interoperable and cost effective systems.
  • To initiate, coordinate and support research projects that promote the development of new technologies in campus ID credentials and card transaction systems.
  • To achieve cooperation in the field of education by establishing close links with other organisations and industries that have similar objectives.

As the designated authoritative organisation for the collection and dissemination of information to support the development of campus ID credentials and campus card transaction systems, ECCA aims for a membership of over 500 members representing education institutions across Europe. It will keeps abreast of the knowledge base and the on-going technological changes and requirements for its members.