Distinguished Service Award

ECCA Distinguished Service Award

The Distinguished Service Award recognises an individual who over a prolonged period of time has demonstrated exceptional leadership and devoted service to ECCA and has made an outstanding contribution to Educational Institutions and Service Provider members on a cross-border basis.

Eligibility and Award Criteria

The award is typically presented to an individual with 10 or more years’ service to ECCA. The recipient must demonstrate a substantial contribution to a selection of or all of the following:

  1. Provided significant contributions to ECCA as exhibited by exceptional devotion of time, effort and actions towards furthering the mission of the association through administrative and functional activities
  2. Participation in the research and development of campus eID related technologies
  3. Participation as a member of the ECCA Executive Board, Sub Committees and/or Regional Chapters
  4. Involvement with Innovation, Research and Industry activity that is above and beyond an individual’s job description
  5. Published Papers and Presentations
  6. Development of innovative solutions that have been shared with Educational Institutions, Services Providers and relevant Industry Partners
  7. At least one letter of support from a colleague who is an ECCA member in an Educational Institution or Service Provider

Nomination Criteria

Nominees may be self-nominated or nominated by their institution. An individual from another ECCA educational institutional member or Service Provider member may also nominate an individual. All nominees must demonstrate a substantial contribution to Educational Institutions, and/or Services Providers or relevant Industry Partners.

Award Selection Processes

An Awards Committee will be appointed annually by the ECCA Executive Board. The Committee will evaluate the nomination(s) and recommend an individual whom it considers suitable for selection as a recipient of the award to the Executive Board. The Board’s decision in ratifying an individual for the award is final. The announcement and presentation of the award recipient will take place at the ECCA annual conference.

No more than one award will be given in any one year. The award is not necessarily an annual award. The committee will recommend a recipient only in the case of exemplary and outstanding service.