Recipient 2022 - Mr. Jacek Błahut, Poland
Mr. Jacek Blahut is Vice President of OPTeam, a company with a long tradition of building IT systems for universities. The company specialises in both card-based systems as well as general University management solutions. Over the past 16 years Jacek has made an immense contribution to ECCA in numerous disciplines. In research projects, he was the OPTeam lead representative on the Horizon 2020 project ‘European Education Connectivity Solution’ and is currently the consortium coordinator in the EU funded project ‘eSignForStudy’. Jacek’s expertise and leadership was instrumental in the development and implementation of the new ECCA administration portal and websites for conferences and research projects. In addition to his input in streamlining ECCA’s IT infrastructure, Jacek has organised numerous campus card events and workshops, including the hosting of the 2016 ECCA Annual Conference at Wrocław University of Technology. He has served as a member of the ECCA Board of Directors since 2019.
Jacek Blahut has been an incredible asset to ECCA and the campus card industry, his enthusiasm, forward thinking, and visionary leadership has been very important to the on-going development of the association. As excellent leader who always directs the spotlight away from himself while promoting the development and achievement of others.
He is the very deserving winner of the Distinguished Service Award for 2022.