Ana-U, an insight into the development department of ANA-U GmbH

Ana-U, an insight into the development department of ANA-U GmbH

Our systems are the result of years of fulfilling customer wishes, Stefan Strobl smiles. He is the head of development at ANA-U GmbH and he has just been on the phone with a customer who has opted for an ANA-U ID card system. A university of applied sciences that wanted as little hassle as possible with issuing student IDs. Now they report back that the system fits like a glove. "It's always nice to hear when one of our products hits customer needs," Strobl says, "but to be fair, I have to say that our systems only got really good because of the problems we had to solve for our customers."

A good example is the CT3 self-service terminal, which issues ID cards and loyalty cards in self-service mode. "Years ago, we started thinking about how to lighten the workload on admissions Department. But without the clearly formulated needs of our customers, we would never have found such suitable solutions.“

For Strobl, product development is about meeting customer needs. And answering the question: How can we ensure that our systems simplify customer processes? "If our systems fit like a glove today, then we have listened perfectly to our customers problems for the last 10 years!" Strobl is convinced. Which also means that developers must keep an open mind and are not allowed to believe that they have already found perfection. After all, systems are only perfect when they can evolve with the needs and changes that customers have and experience.


Stefan Strobel with the self-service terminal CT3