HID - Level Up Your Card Issuance Process


We have all had to navigate the challenges that have come with our new world and new era of working in the past year and the card issuance process was not immune to these challenges. Learn how to level up your onboarding workflows and badge your entire organization or student population quickly and securely, wherever you or they may be.

HID FARGO Connect is a secure, cloud-based ID card printing platform that brings together all of the elements of a secure card issuance program into a centralized and integrated system. This solution simplifies the operation and support of a high-volume ID card issuance office while increasing control and security.  

Here is how HID FARGO Connect can help you level up your card issuance process:

  • Connected Experience
  • Issue from anywhere 
  • Secure remote printing

Click here to learn how to simplify the complexities of student ID issuance.
