SALTO - Keyless Campus

Keyless campus: How smart access control is transforming higher education

The COVID-19 pandemic sparked shifts that have catapulted digital transformation to the forefront of the education industry. Now, higher education institutions navigating this digital tide are on the cusp of critical decisions regarding their physical access control systems. The move towards modern smart technology and school access control systems is not just a trend, but a prerequisite for promoting safe and welcoming campuses. In an era where digital seamlessness is not only preferred but expected, universities are under pressure to adapt and provide a secure and convenient keyless smart access experience to their tech-savvy students.

What are the benefits of smart student IDs?

Mobile and smart card technology combines the security needs of students and staff into a single card or digital credential on a smartphone. This provides an easy, secure, and fast access solution for students, while giving administrators more control and better data insights.

Operational efficiency and simplified access management

Establishing a unified security system enhances security for schools, improving control over both physical and digital access. Mobile access extends the use of credentials beyond building access, improving flexibility and convenience, public safety, and even emergency preparedness.

SALTO's electronic door locks for schools simplify the management of access rights. Unlike legacy systems, where staff changes made key management difficult, obtaining or updating a badge with the correct access rights is quick and easy. Each school door lock is programmed to recognize the credentials of authorized personnel, ensuring secure access.

Rapid emergency response for enhanced security

Educational institutions benefit from automated emergency response systems that are tailored to their specific needs, allowing them to quickly adapt to changing threat levels. The myriad areas within educational facilities, from building entrances to laboratories, require smart access control for optimal protection. Such systems ensure regulated access with classroom locks that automatically secure doors when necessary. They can also extend credentialed access to faculty, staff, and students. Features such as the SALTO AMOK smart door locking function enable rapid lockdown in the event of an emergency, enhancing overall security through timely notification and rapid response.

Innovation and keyless systems

A great example of innovation in this sector is the collaboration between SALTO and the European Campus Card Association (ECCA) to improve campus card and student ID solutions in European higher education institutions. This partnership highlights the mix of technological advancement with unified digital campus efforts, moving towards the larger goal of secure and simple access control. SALTO's electronic smart locking solutions allow doors to be unlocked using smart keys or mobile devices, ushering in a new era of smart, keyless, and mobile access control.

Enhanced student and educational community experience

SALTO's all-in-one platform provides operational efficiencies for student accommodation managers. They can easily manage access to student accommodation on the move, open doors or restrict access remotely, view entry and exit activity, and receive activity notifications using just a smartphone.

Student accommodation managers can define authorized access, allowing students to securely access their accommodation and facilities, including libraries, gyms, and refectories. Importantly, authorized access is flexible and reversible in the event of an emergency. SALTO’s access management systems simplify the students’ experience by unlocking doors via smartphone – iOS or Android – smart key, PIN code, or remote access, reducing concerns about lost, misplaced, or duplicate keys.

Campus insights to improve operations

Access control systems generate valuable data that managers can use to optimize campus operations. Activities such as event planning or class scheduling can provide up-to-date insights to help the security team optimize vehicle and commuter flow, reduce traffic congestion, and promote better safety protocols across the entire campus.

Effortless administrative control

From an administrative perspective, digital keys and smart credentials are flexible, scalable, and efficient to deploy. Students can download a university-branded mobile application, or receive their smart student card on campus. In case they prefer digital keys, once authenticated, a digital credential is assigned to their device, delivering secure access in no time. Additionally, short-term credentials can be easily issued to visitors, contract and temporary workers, staff, and students on a need-by-need basis.

The future of digital and mobile access

Universities seeking robust security and a positive student experience must embrace next-generation ID technologies and smart access solutions. The move towards mobile-based credentials or student cards opens the door to keyless digital access. This not only provides a user-friendly alternative to physical cards, but also expands the scope of mobile access for various campus services such as school notifications, cashless vending, library services, printing, and transportation.

Creating a connected campus

A unified approach to security and digital operations is the foundation for a truly smart campus. It provides campus managers with a clear view of all facilities and enables rapid response to emerging threats, improving safety and the student experience. The adoption of contactless smart physical access control and mobile technology enhances security, guarantees flexibility, and streamlines campus operations.

Setting the standard for on-campus security

Every day, millions of students worldwide rely on the fast and secure access provided by SALTO smart credentials. Thousands of doors across campuses are secured by our trusted access control solutions, providing a safe and seamless environment for students and staff alike. SALTO is synonymous with innovative access solutions that encompass standalone, cloud-based, and mobile applications. Our electronic locking products redefine the benchmark for security, manageability, flexibility, and scalability across campuses and student accommodation, bringing tangible benefits to a wide range of door types.

SALTO Systems has a strong history of delivering pioneering access control solutions to the education sector. Our global presence includes successful implementations at prestigious institutions such as Cambridge University, Oxford University, University of Greifswald, University of Warsaw, UPV-EHU Basque Country University, Lund University in Sweden, University of Zurich, and University College Dublin in Ireland. Such prestigious endorsements are a testament to our expertise and unwavering commitment to creating safe and welcoming learning environments for students worldwide.

Contact us if you have any questions on the SALTO product range or visit our education website located here for information on all things SALTO. We look forward to helping you!

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