Standardization in Digital Credentials for Education Workshop Update

ECCA as partner in the DC4EU project and leader of WP9 (Dissemination & Communication) recently arranged a hybrid workshop on 'Standardization in Digital Credentials for Education'. The event was hosted by the University of Porto and almost 80 people from 27 countries participated. The workshop covered aspects ranging from understanding the work being currently done in the European Student Card Initiative (ESCI), and other projects and initiatives at both European and global level, to delving into the related standards on digital credentials and their implications in the education ecosystem. In summary;
- An update from the European Commission & NTT Data on the current status and roadmap of the European Student Card Initiative (ESCI) was presented by Theo Mink (DG EAC) and Jeroen van Lent (NTT Data)
We then focused on recent projects in Student Identification which included;
- EDSSI L2, by Tamas Molnar (Humboldt University Berlin)
- myAcademicID, by Joao Bacelar (EUF)
- EWP, by Janina Mincer-Daszkiewicz, (University of Warsaw)
- ISIC Student Card Projects, by Radek Klein, (ISIC)
- EUGLOH Alliance, Turning the European Student Card into Reality, by Alexander Loechel (LMU Munich).
Following this, the DC4EU project was presented by Lluís Ariño, who focused on the Education Large Scale Pilots and its significance to the ESC. Ignacio Alamillo, from Logalty in Spain, presented on the related standards on digital credentials and their implications in the education ecosystem.
The workshop concluded with a panel discussion. It was evident that we all share the same objective: creating an ecosystem that can ease the identification of students and staff, and the exchange of information amongst educational institutions, not just within Europe but worldwide. We all agreed that standardization is the way forward, whilst also embracing the great work already done and not reinventing the wheel. The report from the workshop will be available soon on our website.
There will be further opportunity for people to join future workshops and share their views and ideas with us. If you want further information on this workshop or want to be part of a smaller forum related to this matter, please contact ECCA as Work Package 9 Leader, by emailing